Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg on Wed, April 25th, for a group viewing of the monthly APBP webinar in the EcoCentre boardroom followed by discussion for those who wish to stay.

Note this is a week later than usual due to ModeShift 2018 happening next week. 



Next webinar: April 25, 2018, 3-4pm

Got Counts? Now what?

The April webinar features emerging applications for count data and real-life case studies. You'll hear about North Carolina's cyclist data program and how to move from a sporadic count to a more intentional programmatic system. You'll also learn about a project from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and Fehr & Peers to place counters and develop approaches for utilizing the multi-modal count data for planning, funding, and evaluation. They'll discuss the approach for forecasting activity on specific facilities and how multi-modal counts can inform changes in mode share. 


Beth McKechnie | Workplace Commuter Options

Green Action Centre

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