A good piece in the BBC about the impact of the younger generation’s decreased interest in cars on traffic growth.




…In the 1990s, 80% of people were driving by 30; now this marker is only reached by 45.


Men under 30 are travelling only half the miles their fathers did.


The Commission on Travel Demand says this should lead to a government re-think about travel priorities.

It points out that people in general are driving much less than expected:


·         People are travelling 10% fewer miles than in 2002 and spending 22 hours less travelling each year than a decade ago.

·         There has been a 20% reduction in commuter trips per week since the mid 1990s

·         Growth in car traffic has slowed. In the 1980s, it grew by 50% whereas in the decade to 2016 it grew by 2%


Yet BBC News has learned that next week the government is likely to forecast a rise in traffic of between 20% and 60% by 2040. …