Check out our winter edition of Active & Green! Sign up here to receive a copy directly or to check out past issues. -cheers, Beth

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A better way to go
Want to improve commuter options at your workplace? We can help.

Upcoming Events

Winter Walk Day
Thursday, February 5

Jack Frost Challenge!
February 7-13

Winter Bike to Work Day
Friday, February 13

Wildwood AT Community Meeting
Tuesday, February 24

Fort Garry AT Community Meeting
Thursday, February 26

Bike and Walk to School Poster Contest
Submit by Friday, March 6

Commuter Challenge 2015
May 31 - June 6
Taking the bus = Peace

It ain't easy being a working mom. Here's one woman's story on how she decided to take the bus to save money and lighten her environmental footprint. Turns out it's the unexpected benefits that have really paid off.

Bike blender fun

Add some spin to your next workplace event – rent our bike-powered blender!

FREE training sessions

Want to help your co-workers to bike, bus, walk or carpool? Register for one or more of Green Action Centre's free 
Commuting Ambassador Training sessions:

I. Tools and Hands-on Training
Wed, March 11, 1-4pm

II. Commuting Surveys
Wed, March 25, 1-4pm

III. Behaviour Change
Wed, April 8, 1-4pm

Job posting: Active and Safe Routes to School

Want to help get more kids walking and cycling to school in Manitoba? Green Action Centre is looking for an energetic and organized individual part-time. Find the job posting here. Apply by Friday, February 13th.

Fun with Jack Frost 

Do you suffer from the winter blues? Is curling up on the couch with hot chocolate and Netflix your go-to winter escape? While staying active indoors is worthwhile, research shows that getting outdoors improves these benefits, with the added bonus that activity in nature further reduces stress. So, how do you get started? Put down the remote and sign up for the Jack Frost Challenge! Get together with a team of family and friends, and participate in outdoor activities from February 7-13, 2015. Register today!

Cycling at 55° (latitude)

Active transportation is not just a summer pursuit for John Barker (photo courtesy of Jeanette Kimball). This resident of Thompson, Manitoba, wanted to find a sustainable way to commute to his everyday destinations. Self-described as “not a martyr” for active transportation, John investigated all of his options and posted this excellent piece on his blog. (Spoiler alert! See photo.) Want to try it yourself? Here are some tips on cycling through the winter.

Catch the "Freezeway"

Winnipeggers love visiting The Forks in winter to skate along the beautiful river trail. But can you imagine commuting by skating through the city? Edmonton is considering a proposal by young landscape architect, Matt Gibbs, for a Freezeway. This 6.8-mile skating lane would see commuters and tourists strapping on their skates to travel the downtown. “I wanted to look at the hidden opportunities that exist living in a climate that’s below freezing for more than five months a year,” says Gibbs. Read more about this icy idea. (Image source: Matt Gibbs. Also check out his Freezeway video.) 

Walking as super-food

If you spend your day consuming the latest, greatest health foods, adding in a sweaty, hour-long workout, you are on the road to great health, right? Not if the rest of your day is sedentary, according to the latest research. Active Sedentary is a new category of people who combine high levels of fitness with long periods of inactivity. Author Katy Bowman notes that “you can’t offset 10 hours of stillness with one hour of exercise.” Read more about why walking is considered the new superfood of fitness. Walking part-way to work or to the bus, walking meetings, and a standing desk are all great places to start.

Kudos to 'Gold' Winner!

Hearty congrats to Health in Common for picking up 'Gold' in the 2014 Commuter Friendly Workplace Award! Check out the innovative ways in which this workplace supports its employees to walk, bike, take transit or carpool to work. Lots of great ideas to consider for your workplace.
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Green Action Centre
3-303 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B4

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