You are receiving this message either because you are a Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience (WCSN) member due for 2013 renewal or because you are a person we think may benefit from membership in your local Chapter of the international Society for Neuroscience.  The WCSN organizes and promotes events in Manitoba designed to fuel excellence in Neuroscience research, education and outreach.  We are the driving force behind the Manitoba Neuroscience Network annual meetings, seminar series and visiting speaker program.  We also organize Brain Awareness Week activities and contribute to the development of local neuroscientists by awarding prizes for excellence at the Manitoba Science Schools Symposium.  Please support initiatives such as these and help us build a strong and vibrant neuroscience community in Manitoba by clicking on this link to pay your dues by credit card, University of Manitoba FOAP, or cheque.    A receipt will be issued by e-mail.





$  15

Postdocs, Residents, Associates, Technicians

$  30

Faculty, Professionals

$  60

*All-inclusive Lab rate

$ 100


*PI and names and affiliations of each individual lab member

must be provided.



If you have any questions about our vision, please contact the Chapter president at





Chris Anderson, PhD
President - Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience
Associate Professor, University of Manitoba


Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience

General Office:

R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue

Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6


Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092

Email: <
