


Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience
Room R4046 – 351 Tache Ave.
Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6  CANADA 
Tel: 204.235.3946  Fax: 204.237.4092




January 11, 2011



Dear WCSN members and Manitoba neuroscientists:


The 2011 International Brain Awareness Week (BAW) will be held from March 14-18. As a Society for Neuroscience Chapter, one of our mandates is to lead activities for BAW centered around  creating a "brain aware" public and inspiring educators and students to build the next stronger generation of neuroscientists locally.

The WCSN is developing a sustainable plan for BAW that will see several events phased in over the next couple of years. For 2011, BAW activities in Winnipeg will center around a visit from renowned neurologist and neuroscientist, Dr. Jack Antel, from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. Dr. Antel specializes in the neuroimmunology of Multiple Sclerosis and will give a public lecture at St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre on March 16 and a research seminar at the Bannatyne Campus on March 17. Times will be announced soon.

This announcement is meant to make you aware of the event and date. If you have itinerary suggestions/requests for Dr. Antel, please let me know at canderson@sbrc.ca  as we are planning his time in Winnipeg now.


We are also building an army of volunteers for BAW 2012 so we can hold several meaningful outreach events. Some people have indicated an interest but I am still looking for others. BAW and any WCSN outreach activities are only going to be as successful as the volunteer efforts we make as a group so please consider getting involved (email me at canderson@sbrc.ca ). Planned activities include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

·         Visits to schools

·         Lab tours

·         Teaching basic neuroscience lab techniques to students at the Winnipeg Inner City Science Lab

·         Holding a Winnipeg Brain Bee event for students

·         Holding community "meet the scientist" events to discuss neuroscience topics 



Thank you.


Chris Anderson

President, WCSN








Kelly Jorundson

Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience

R4046 – 351 Taché Avenue
Winnipeg, MB   R2H 2A6  CANADA

Tel:  204.235.3939   7Fax:  204.237.4092
Email:  kjorund@sbrc.ca