George Perry
PhD Professor of Biology and Chemistry

Chief Scientist, Brain Health Consortium

Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology

The University of Texas at San Antonio

T O P I C:   Mitochondria At The Center Of Alzheimer���s Disease




Dr. Perry���s studies are focused on the mechanism of formation and physiological consequences of the cytopathology of Alzheimer���s disease. The lab has shown that oxidative damage is the initial cytopathology in Alzheimer���s disease. They are working to determine the sequence of events leading to neuronal oxidative damage and the source of the increased oxygen radicals.






Kelly Jorundson
Coordinator, Membership & Operations
Manitoba Neuroscience Network
Room R4046 - 351 Tach��  Avenue, 
Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6  CANADA

Tel: 204.235.3939   Fax: 204.237.4092
