

I am looking for volunteers to judge posters at our upcoming MNN meeting. Please email me to indicate your willingness to help. 1st drink is on me!






From: Benedict Albensi
Sent: February-04-16 10:49 AM
Subject: 2016 Manitoba Neuroscience Network Meeting - Focus on Dementia - Save the Date - June 15





SAVE THE DATE! – The 2016 MNN Annual Scientific Meeting will be on JUNE 15, 2016.  Please distribute the attached poster to all who might be interested.


DATE:                                                 Public lecture June 14th,  Scientific Seminars June 15th, 2016

LOCATION:                                      St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre, Cohen Auditorium

THEME:                                             Dementia

MEETING CHAIR:                          Dr. Benedict C. Albensi

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:                     Dr. Sam Gandy, Mount Sinai Endowed Chair in Alzheimer's Disease Research (

CONFIRMED SPONSORS:           Research Manitoba, Health Sciences Centre, HSC Foundation, University of Manitoba Faculties and Departments, St. Boniface Hospital


Watch for registration and abstract submission details in March.  We hope to see you there.



Chris Anderson

MNN Networking Director




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