Thanks for sharing this Julie.  I too heard nothing but positive feedback from many participants, and the bus tours were also a big hit with delegates.


Lastly, I wanted to thank each of you.  This has been an interesting project and I enjoyed working with each of you.


Jim we were an unwieldy group at times and you did a very good job chairing and keeping us focussed.


Amber and Krishna, both of you did great things and deserve our warm thanks.


I suggest we start next winter plans for 2024……….just kidding.


All the best,






From: [] On Behalf Of Julie Guard
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 2:35 PM
Subject: [1919-Conference] accolades from non-academics


Hello, all:

I understand if no one is reading email from this address for a while, but I thought I would pass on a written compliment from a non-academic participant to the conference. It is similar to others I have heard, and I am thinking here only of community people who are not academics. I think it was clear that the academics enjoyed it, but this is a little different. It suggests that we succeeded in making the event accessible.

My contact wrote this:

I thoroughly enjoyed the conference, the speakers and came away with a better understanding of the strike and how it was formed. 



Julie Guard

Professor, History and Labour Studies

Office: 117 Isbister Building

Mailing address: 218 Isbister Building

University of Manitoba

183 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2

Phone: 204-474-7110
