Hi Krishna,

This looks great!
I am finalizing details re the Wednesday night session and will forward them to you 
for inclusion in the program as soon as possible. 

Best wishes,


On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 12:30 PM Krishna Lalbiharie <krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com> wrote:
Friends, it's up: https://1919-2019.com

There's a bunch of back-and-forths and things to add and delete/unclear bits, which I will address/implement over the next day or two. In the main, I will produce a downloadable PDF of the conference schedule (including all panel presenters and descriptions and roundtables) — and bus things, too — in ONE LARGE DOC. It *is* all up there, as a matter of fact, but not in one central piece.

AGAIN: This is GOOD FOR TODAY. FOR SURE. Will fix bits ASAP.

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Sharon Reilly

48 Glen Avenue
Winnipeg, MB 
R2M 1V5
tel: 204-255-4446
cell: 204-590-7051