UM students,

It's June. You're probably away from campus and may be busy with a job or internship, or simply basking in the warm may be the last thing on your mind.

So why spend 10 minutes reading the June issue of Student Health 101?





You can enter to win $1,000 – just for reading Student Health 101.

Second, you can learn more about maximizing your summer, eating well, and dealing with summer love.

Check out the June issue at - and be sure to bookmark it, so you'll always be able access the latest issue.


Summer love: don't get burned
The summer can have a big impact on relationships. Learn tips from students today!

Better grades, better health and more
In today's world, summer can't just be about relaxing. Read how you can use the summer to get ahead.

10 smart choices for healthy summer eating
Learn how to enjoy tasty summer treats, while staying healthy all summer long.

The guy's guide to good health
Men's Health Week is June this quick checklist of things men should do to ensure their well-being.


PLUS: Special Report: The RX Factor.

If you missed's what you can get from the May it today.


Making the most of any job or internship
Learn how to thrive and gain valuable lessons from any job, experience or internship.

Staying in shape while school is out
Essential tips from students that will help get you motivated and vary your workouts in the warm weather.

Don't get burned
Important tips for protecting yourself while enjoying the weather this summer.

Just how confident are you, really?
Read some great advice from students on dealing with problems of self-confidence and self-esteem.


Start reading today - and be sure to enter to win $1,000.

Have a great summer,


Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success