Dear Student,

From November 17-20, 2011 the University of Calgary will be hosting the 5th Annual Canadian Conference on Student Leadership. The University of Manitoba Student Union and Student Life are teaming up to send an eight student delegation to represent the University of Manitoba. If you are available that weekend and interested in being one of the eight representatives, please submit:

  1. A cover letter introducing yourself and why you believe you should be selected to be a delegate at this CCSL conference.
  2. A resume that outlines your relevant student leadership experience, volunteer experience, and qualities you possess in academic and co-curricular areas.

The anticipated cost for travel, accommodation, food and registration is $750. In exchange for you agreeing to attend a pre-conference meeting, attend the conference in its entirety, complete a report on the conference and facilitate some kind of 'information sharing' you learned at the conference with the University community, UMSU and Student Life will share your cost so that you only have to pay $250! 


Interested students that are in good academic standing can submit their application in person to UMSU (101 University Centre, Fort Garry Campus or Answers at the Bannatyne Campus) or Student Life (225 University Centre, Fort Garry Campus) or Services for Students at Bannatyne Campus (245 T wing Basic Science Bldg, Bannatyne Campus). Please enclose your submission in a sealed envelope with "I'm an Emerging Leader" on the cover.


Alternatively you can email your submission electronically in confidence to with "I'm an Emerging Leader" in the subject line and name the file your full name. You can send in Word, Pages, or PDF documents (preferred).


Deadline to apply is 4 pm on Friday October 21, 2011. Successful applicants will be contacted on October 26, 2011. While we encourage all U of M students to apply, and thank you in advance for your interest, only the successful candidates will be contacted.


Any questions regarding this opportunity can be directed to UMSU President Camilla Tapp (474-6519 or or Brendan Hughes, Director of Student Life (474-9093 or



Brendan Hughes                                                 Camilla Tapp

Director, Student Life                                        President, University of Manitoba Students' Union