This message has been sent on behalf of U of Manitoba Financial Services….



To: U of M Students


The University of Manitoba has made the payment of tuition fees quick and convenient by offering payment methods such as Web Banking, Telephone Banking and Telpay. In an effort to promote these methods of payment, the U of M is pleased to offer the “Electronic Banking Contest”. Students are eligible to win great prizes simply by paying their tuition fees electronically. This year’s prizes are:



First Prize:                 Samsung Blu-ray Player


Second Prize:           Sony Portable DVD Player


Third Prize:                $50 Gift Certificate for U of M Bookstore



Please visit the Financial Services website for contest details.


Remember – the deadline for Fall 2009 fee payment is Wednesday, September 9 at 4:30 p.m. Check your fee balance in Aurora Student.


Good luck!



U of M  Financial Services