Hello to All:

Apple has just announced two free seminars in Winnipeg on August 15, 2007, on their Aperture digital photography workflow application. The seminar topics and related links are

For the Wedding and Event Photography from 9am to 12pm

Streamlining your RAW Photography Workflow from 7pm to 9pm

Please forward this message on to anyone whom you think would be interested.

For those of you working at or attending PrairieView School of Photography, could you please forward this message on to other students or staff you think would be interested.

I am aware that Don's Photo is partnering with Apple on this one, but if you have any friends/contacts at PhotoCentral please feel free to send this information to them.


Doug Hamilton, BA, MA, APP
Senior Computer Consultant
Computers-on-Campus; Univ. of Manitoba
204-474-6196 (Ph.)
204-474-7556 (Fax)