Webinar: Incubating Cycling in Suburban Canadian Communities
Wednesday, March 4th | 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST

Learn how to incubate cycling through a community bike hub approach and tap into the cycling potential that exists for short bike trips in suburban environments, where cycling rates remain stubbornly low. TCAT’s approach can be used as a framework to increasing cycling in suburban communities across Canada.

Safe infrastructure is a key enabler to more cycling, but it can be difficult to champion in places where a cycling culture doesn’t yet exist. A community bike hub can help to jump-start the process. Discover how unlikely partnerships and a targeted approach can grow cycling, and dig into the potential that exists within your own community.

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Orly Linovski, Ph.D. (RPP, MCIP)

Assistant Professor, Department of City Planning

University of Manitoba

204-474-6424 /