Alta Planning + Design has put together an excellent white paper on Advisory Bike Lanes that is well worth reading. Of note, there is a Canadian example (Somerset Street East in Ottawa).

For those wondering what an advisory bike lane is, it's essentially a bike lane with a dashed lane marking between the bike lane and the travel lane. The big difference from a normal bike lane is that vehicles share a two-way center travel lane sandwiched between the two advisory bike lanes. When two vehicles approach, they yield to bicycle traffic and encroach into their respective advisory bike lanes to pass each other. A parking lane may or may not be present.

It's  used in situations where there is limited road right of way, and limited traffic volume. Think lower volume collectors like Des Meurons south of Vivian, maybe Sinclair where you generally have a 10m right of way.

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Mark Cohoe
Executive Director
Bike Winnipeg
t: 204-894-6540