
For those coming to this afternoons webinar, Next Generation Bikeway Design: Raised cycle tracks, handouts can now be downloaded at http://www.apbp.org/?page=Webinar_Downloads.  The webinar will be hosted at the MB-Ecocentre, 3rd floor 303 Portage Avenue.

Local viewings of the NACTO webinars are made possible by the generous sponsorship of Freig and Associates.

Mark Cohoe
Bike Winnipeg

#3, Next Generation Bikeway Design: Raised cycle tracks
Wednesday, June 26 | 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. CDT

While many cities have relied primarily on signs and markings to radically transform their streets, a growing number of bikeways around the country have been improved and made permanent using higher cost materials, curb relocation and complex engineering. This session will look at two facilities that embody long term solutions for city streets. How can cities effectively move the curb without creating drainage problems? What “green” infrastructure solutions can be incorporated into these new bikeways? What are the highest and lowest cost alternatives to these designs?

Wendy Cawley, Engineer, City of Portland
Karen Haley, Executive Director, Indianapolis Cultural Trail
Jennifer Tower, Engineer, City of Portland