Last minute opportunity – there are a few spots left!


Free Bicycle Mechanics Course for Teachers

Interested in bike repair?  Interested in learning about the basic systems of the bicycle and how to repair and maintain them? 

The Manitoba Student Transportation Network and Natural Cycle have partnered to offer a free bicycle mechanics course for teachers wanting to develop their repair and bike building skills.  This offer is intended to help support the development of bike repair skills, workshops, cycling trips and other activities at YOUR local school or youth organization.

We are offering this course free-of-charge because we believe in sustainability, and the bicycle as an efficient and accessible form of transportation for all age-groups and all income levels.  So, have fun, and share your passion for bicycles where you can, when you can. 

Student to instructor ratio is 3:1. If we cannot accommodate everyone, we will keep your name on reference for the next course.

DATES: Six consecutive Sundays starting January 17th, 2010
TIME: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (15 hours total)
LOCATION: Natural Cycle.  Lower Level - 91 Albert Street. Winnipeg. 

To register, please email or call 957-5762 by THIS WEDNESDAY January 13th, 2010. 

Leave your name, phone number and the name of your school or organization. 

We will contact you shortly afterwards to confirm enrollment.  

Thank you!

Stephanie Fulford

Green Commuting Initiatives

Resource Conservation Manitoba

303 Portage Avenue, 3rd Floor

Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2B4

Phone: 204.925.3774

Fax: 204.942.4207