Save Our Seine invites applications for the position of Executive Director.
A highly organized person with strong communication, project planning and
fund raising skills is needed to assist in implementing our stewardship and
awareness initiatives. The position begins in September 2013 and lasts for
at least 14 months.  Applications are due by July 15, 2013. This is an
excellent opportunity to contribute to the operations of a respected,
results oriented, grass roots environmental organization.

Information about job features, responsibilities, qualifications, assets and
how to apply is attached.

Please forward this invitation to anyone you know who might be interested in
the position and to friends, colleagues and organizations that might know
someone who would be interested in the position. Also, your assistance would
be appreciated in sending or posting this position on listservers, bulletin
boards, facebook or websites that you think would reach potential candidates

Denis De Pape
Volunteer Vice President
Save Our Seine