good morning!
Last night's decision was to put the Parade & Party on the River Trail on HOLD till NEXT SUNDAY, Feb. 1st.
only in Winnipeg can you have near record braking cold temperatures followed by above average temperatures !
The river trail snow removal has been completed to Assiniboine Park, but with this week's mild weather, the new ice is in very poor condition.
Paul wants to wait one more week.
there absolutely will be a parade & party celebrating the river trail from The Forks to Assiniboine Park  - some Sunday in the very near future :) !
I will keep you updated on this 'fluid' event !  (this gives you more time to prepare a parade outfit ! )

Janice Lukes
Winnipeg Trails Coordinator
Winnipeg Trails Association
202 – One Forks Market Road

Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4L9  
Cell  (204) 952-4222
Fax  (204) 943-7915