Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg for a group viewing of the monthly APBP webinar in the EcoCentre boardroom. This will be followed by discussion for those who wish to stay.



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AT Webinar: Wed, July 17th, 2-3pm

Return on Investment for Active Transportation

The economic benefits of walkable and bikeable communities are well documented. In addition to capital gains, investment in placemaking and active transportation yield intangible, societal benefits. This webinar takes a broad look at the wide spectrum of benefits to be gleaned when placing walking, biking and placemaking at the forefront of community design.

  • Todd Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute


Beth McKechnie (she/her/hers) | Green Action Centre

3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave(204) 925-3777 x102 | Find us here

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