***Apologies for Cross Posting***

  Please join us for a webinar on Active School Travel and Risk Management

  Resource Conservation Manitoba will be a participation site for the webinar below on Monday, May 3rd from 2-3 pm central. Please join us at our offices
3rd Floor, 303 Portage Avenue; Winnipeg. RSVP to asrts@resourceconservation.mb.ca.

Alternatively, you can register for the webinar by e-mailing Sandra Jones at scjones@telus.net and take part from the comfort of your own desktop. Participation is free! Enjoy!

  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 925-3773 or asrts@resourceconservation.mb.ca.


Jackie Avent

From: Sandra Jones [mailto:scjones@telus.net]
Sent: April-12-10 1:43 PM
To: Sandra Jones
Subject: Invite: Active School Travel and Risk Management Webinar, May 3, 3:00 p.m. EST


STP facilitators, school board trustees and staff, municipal staff,



Is liability an issue in your area? Invite those needing answers to take part in this webinar. 


This is an opportunity for those hesitant to fully embrace School Travel Planning due to liability concerns, to hear from both an expert in risk management and a fully engaged STP school district. How is the liability issue mitigated and school travel planning made successful?


Doug Wyseman of Municipal Risk Services Limited  will be joined by a Halton School District Board member to present on the important issue of liability. They will be introduced by Jacky Kennedy of Green Communities Canada. The presentations will be followed by an opportunity for questions.


This free webinar is scheduled for 90 minutes on Monday May 3 at 3:00 p.m. EST


Please register yourself and any colleagues, invited guests, by replying to this email at:  scjones@telus.net


Instructions for joining this important WIMBA webinar will follow.


Thank you for your interest, I look forward to your reply.


Best wishes, Sandra



Sandra Jones

School Travel Planning

T 604.946.1480

C 604.786.0803




Jackie Avent


Active and Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator

Resource Conservation Manitoba

3rd Floor - 303 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2B4

(204) 925-3773



Resource Conservation Manitoba: Living Green, Living Well

Practical solutions for yourself, your community and the environment
Green Commuting, Environmental Education, Reducing Waste, Composting


Resource Conservation Manitoba is a registered charity. Please consider making a donation.



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Beth McKechnie
Green Commuting Initiatives
Workplace TDM Coordinator

Resource Conservation Manitoba
Tel: (204) 925-3772