I encourage you to attend an upcoming open house and comment on the ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ASPECT of the 'Event Day Management Plan' being presented over the next few days by the City of Winnipeg, U of M and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and BBB Stadium Incorporated. 
The City of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba and Government of Canada have invested $10's of Millions into Active Transportation (AT) infrastructure in south Winnipeg enabling some of the City's best cycling and walking connectivity. 
This is an unprecedented opportunity to showcase AT investment's as a viable transportation choice -  and to encourage and reap the benefits of active transportation in an environment challenged by limited vehicle parking:    
-  it is important these AT investments be shown as TRANSPORTATION CHOICES in 'The Stadium Event Day Management Plan'
-  it is important that ENCOURAGEMENT through marketing and promotional plans for AT be incorporated into ' 'The Stadium Event Day Management Plan'    ie: similar to the marketing and promotional plans put in place around taking transit to a football game
Please take some time to attend one of these open houses - and offer your comments related to the ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ASPECT of the 'Event Day Management Plan' 
Public engagement for soliciting feedback on the Event Day Management Plan for the new Football Stadium at the UM: http://winnipeg.ca/cao/media/news/nr_2012/nr_20120228.stm#2


                                                February 29, 2012  Dalhousie School262 Dalhousie - Library, 400 pm - 8:30 pm  

                                                March 3, 2012  CANAD INN Fort Garry, 1824 Pembina Highway - Ambassador A, 1000 am - 300 pm

                                                March 5, 2012  CANAD INN Garden City, 2100 McPhillips Street - Ambassador A, 430 pm - 800 pm

                                                March 6, 2012  Access Transcona, 845 Regent - Room 163, 430 pm - 800 pm

                                                March 7, 2012  Sturgeon Heights Community Centre, 210 Rita Street, 430 pm - 800 pm

                                                March 8, 2012  Bronx Park Community Centre, 720 Henderson - HobNobs Cafe, 430 pm - 800 pm



thank you


Janice Lukes

Manager, Special Projects
Winnipeg Trails Association
c/o Rivers West - Red River Corridor Inc

235-614 Des Meurons Street
Winnipeg, MB   R2H 2P9  
Cell  (204) 952-4222
Fax  (204) 943-7915


Member of City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee
Past Chair, Province of Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group