Hi everyone,


Please come out to this important event brought to you by Downtown Biz.  Please spread the word!



The Role of Parking

as a Catalyst for Downtown Development


An information session with Dennis Burns, Senior Vice President of the Studies and Operations Consulting Group for Carl Walker, Inc., a national parking design and consulting firm


General Public Information Session

July 15th, noon-1:30pm

Globe Cinema, 3rd level, Portage Place


Areas of Focus for the Presentations will include:

1. Role of parking – public and private – in a major city

2. How parking affects city growth, and how city growth

affects parking

3. How to densify parking, turn surface spaces to garage spaces

4. Zoning and planning tools and techniques to leverage parking for growth

5. Parking vs. Transit OR Parking + Transit

6. The role of parking in transit oriented development

7. How to deliver public parking to modern businesses in a growing city

8. Parking supply and demand – how much is enough?

9. The role of municipal parking or a parking authority in a major city

10. Triggers to sparking private development of public parking facilities – 3 P or other model

11. The importance of setting proper meter rates for on and off street parking to drive retail


For more info:


 Visit http://www.downtownwinnipegbiz.com//home/events/role_of_parking/

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