Hi Terry (and mailing list),


My understanding is that the Capital Region Transportation Master Plan is going to be released before the end of spring… http://www.manitobacapitalregion.ca/notices_detail.asp?notice_ID=207


David Patman,  P. Eng.

Transit Planner

Winnipeg Transit | Service Development Division

421 Osborne Street | Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2A2

P: 204-986-5737 | dpatman@winnipeg.ca


From: Terry Zdan [mailto:tjzdan50@gmail.com]
Sent: May-07-14 8:36 AM
To: Patman, David
Cc: at-network@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: Re: [At-network] New report from the APA: "Investing in Place"




Hi David - is there more info about the Capital Region Master Plan that would validate values in our back yard?


On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Patman, David <DPatman@winnipeg.ca> wrote:

New document from the American Planning Association.  An interesting look at changing values in the US (probably we would see similar viewpoints in Canada) regarding “what is important” in communities and development for different demographic groups.


“When asked what would strengthen

their local economy, two-thirds believe

that investing in schools, transportation

choice, walkability, and key community

features is the best way.… For both

Millennials and Active Boomers,

including those living in today’s suburbs,

walkability is in high demand.”




David Patman,  P. Eng.

Transit Planner

Winnipeg Transit | Service Development Division

421 Osborne Street | Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2A2

P: 204-986-5737 | dpatman@winnipeg.ca


AT-Network mailing list


Terry Zdan

126 Duncan Norrie Drive 

Wpg MB R3P 2J9


