Join us on Tuesday, December 4th for a webinar on complete streets from the perspective of three Canadian examples.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 | TIME: 12:00-1:00 PM
MB Eco-Centre Board Room

This webinar will highlight challenges faced by complete street projects across Canada, and identify lessons learned by three practitioners.


Argyle & Grafton Shared Streetscape Project
Hanita Koblents (Halifax Regional Municipality) will present this award-winning project, which transformed the heart of Halifax’s entertainment district into a “shared streetscape”.


Main Street Renewal: Retrofitting a Complete Street
Ronald Clarke (Parsons) will discuss the planning, design and reconstruction of an arterial road through the Old Ottawa East community - a transformative investment that improved multimodal mobility, the streetscape and public realm.


The Art of the Trade-Off
Ryan Martinson (Stantec) will address approaches to making trade-offs when designing complete streets, drawing on his own experience of integrating technical and stakeholder inputs.

Mark Cohoe

Executive Director

Bike Winnipeg

t: 204-894-6540
