Dear colleagues,


I trust this finds you well in these troubling (and busy) times.


I am addressing you with regard to the following two matters:


  1. Wrt the request from the Canadian Museum for Human Rights request to join CAHRI, I have received a handful of positive responses and no negative reactions to my suggestion that CMHR be offered a qualified membership of CAHRI (in the status of “Observer” or “Associate” without voting rights for CAHRI decisions).  If I hear no definite negative reaction from CAHRI members by end of 31 October, I will convey to the CMHR a positive response to their request (as qualified – for which I understand they are entirely positively disposed).


  1. Wrt the next issue of the Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights (CYHR), Vol. IV (2022-2023, to be published summer 2024), we are still accepting unsolicited articles for the General Section (addressing any issue of human rights in or relating to Canada:,Publication%20section%20of%20our%20website ) and we remain interested in unpublished documentation of broad significance (including original materials/official documentation or summaries of conferences etc.).  Submissions and suggestions are welcome:


Thanks for your attention!


Best regards,



Prof. John Packer

Professeur Neuberger-Jesin sur la résolution de conflits internationaux

Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution

Faculté de droit | Faculty of Law

Directeur | Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne (CREDP)

Director | Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC)

Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa


Pavillon Fauteux Hall | 57 Louis-Pasteur | Ottawa (ON)  K1N 6N5 | Canada

+1 613-562-5800 (3462) | Téléc./Fax: +1 613-562-5124

Fêtons le 40e anniversaire du CREDP | Celebrate the 40th anniversary of HRREC

Twitter @JP_Peacemaking