Good afternoon NSERC ADRs and RLOs,

Kindly forward the following reminder of the upcoming NSERC RTI session (to be held this Tuesday) to researchers in your units. Thanks!





From: Andrea Craig
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 3:34 PM
Cc: Tracy Mohr; Dustin Lippert; Kristen Kindrachuk; Lisa Peters; Chantal Bassett; Jodi Smith
Subject: NSERC RTI Information Session
Importance: High


Dear ADRs and RLOs,

·         Please distribute the following event announcement to researchers within your units. 

·         As a reminder, NSERC eliminated the RTI institutional quota but limited the number of applications any one researcher can be on to one (as PI or co-applicant).

·         Finally, information is attached as a reminder of RTI Webinars hosted by NSERC – upcoming webinars are scheduled for 31 August 2017 and 14 September 2017.


NSERC Research Tools & Instruments Information Session


The University of Manitoba, Office of Research Services, will be hosting an NSERC Research Tools & Instruments information session:


Tuesday, 12 September 2017

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

540 Machray Hall – ORS Boardroom

Ft. Garry Campus


Presenter: Andrea Craig, Research Grants Officer (NSERC)

Information about the Research Tools & Instruments program will be offered in this session: a brief overview of the Portal application process, application requirements and selection criteria, and best practices.


Researchers intending to apply to this program are strongly encouraged to attend.


As space in the ORS Boardroom is limited, please RSVP to Andrea at


Best regards,


Andrea Craig, B.Sc.
Research Grants Officer, NSERC

Office of Research Services
University of Manitoba
540 Machray Hall
186 Dysart Road WPG, MB R3T 2N2
Tel: (204) 480-1819
Fax: (204) 261-0325

Office of Research Services: