Hi Jay,


Thank you for your article request.  We are now processing it for you.

You had sent your request to our listserv (mhiknet-l@lists.umanitoba.ca) instead of to our email address mhiknet@umanitoba.ca so we have been delayed in receiving your message.  Kind regards,



Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS, AHIP

MHIKNET Librarian

Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library

University of Manitoba

email: orvie_dingwall@umanitoba.ca

phone: 204.977.5660

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Pending posts:

From: jadam@ierha.ca on Wed Aug  6 13:16:10 2014

Subject: lit request

Cause: Post to moderated list



Can you please send me the following article.


Myint PK, Kwok CS, Luben RN, Wareham NJ, Khaw KT.  Body fat percentage, body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio as predictors of mortality and cardiovascular disease. Heart. 2014 June; pii: heartjnl-2014-305816. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-305816. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24966306




Jay Adam RD, MSC

Diabetes and Heart Health - Dietitian Educator Teulon Hunter Memorial Hospital PO Box 89 Teulon, MB R0C 3B0

886 4316 Fax 886 2653    jadam@ierha.ca<mailto:jadam@ierha.ca>




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