Dear colleagues,

In this email, I would like to tell you about an exciting new platform for sharing your research with the public.  Jean-Eric Ghia has been in contact with Ici-Radio Canada Première to create French-language radio segments that will talk about new research findings and papers that have been produced at Manitoba universities.  These biweekly segments will be 6-8 minutes long and they will air Tuesdays at 7:45 am on the Radio Canada morning show Le 6-9.  Jean-Eric presents these segments in conjunction with Dr. Fernand Saurette of
Université de Saint-Boniface, who focuses on work being done in the natural sciences.  The first segment aired on September 22nd, and roughly 20 more segments are currently planned.

If you would like to feature your work on the program, please email Jean-Eric ( and put "Biomedical Radio Canada" in the subject line.  Your email should include the following information:
1.  A copy of the manuscript or PDF of the published paper (please mention any embargo dates)
2.  A lay abstract
3.  Your affiliations and the names of the lab personnel who were involved in the project

This is a wonderful opportunity to share our work with the francophone community in Manitoba and I hope you will take advantage of it.  On a related note, Jean-Eric has been asked by the producer to consider doing similar segments for CBC Radio 1 in English, so if you would like to become involved with this, please contact us.  Contrary to the old joke, you do not need to have "a good face for radio".

Best wishes, Sari

Sari S. Hannila, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science

Associate Member, Spinal Cord Research Centre

College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Manitoba




Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science
Room 130, Basic Medical Sciences Building

745 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0J9
Tel: (204) 789-3483
Fax: (204) 789-3920