

/sent on behalf of
Dr. Paul Fernyhough


Everyone is invited to attend two upcoming neuroscience seminars……

Pharmacology & Therapeutics Seminar Series: Dr. Rachel Sare

Date:  Monday, June 18th, 2018

Time:  9:00 am

Location:  071 Apotex

**Please inform your students that a student lunch will be held at 12 Noon in 061 Apotex Centre**


Rachel Sare Ph.D
Ph.D in Human and Molecular Genetics
Specialization in Neuroscience
B.S. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Topic:  “Working To Understand Autism”



Pharmacology & Therapeutics Seminar Series: Dr. Abhishek Banerjee

Date:  Thursday, June 21st, 2018

Time:  12:00 pm

Location:  071 Apotex

**Please inform your students that a student lunch will follow at 1pm in room 061 Apotex Centre**

Abhishek Banerjee Ph.D
D.Phil (Oxford)
Marie Curie Fellow and NARSAD Young Investigator,
University of Zurich

Topic:  “Beyond E/I Balance: Inhibitory cell-types in Rett Syndrome Pathophysiology ”



For more information contact:
Ran-Lee Rhinas 204-789-3553