This message is forwarded on behalf of Mel Kaufman:


From: Mel Kaufman <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 10:18 AM
To: Alina Skorobohatova <>
Subject: Daily Inspections and ZERO TOLERANCE in effect as of October 25/2023


October 25/2023


Hi Alina,


Could you send this to plants all and include Agriculture Professors with students under them to alert them of shutdown of research activity and start of clean up at 4pm daily or allowing of time for thorough cleanup and putting equipment and furniture away and garbage can emptying before just leaving the mess in someone else’s hands.


Hey All who use the various rooms and equipment at the Point Plant Science Facility. The Seed Processing, Seed Storage, Drying Room, Clipper Room and Oven Areas is in desperate need of a thorough cleanup of the following daily:

1) Floor Sweeping cleanup of seed, debris, straw etc

2) Garbage can emptying to east side of shop bins

3) Vacuuming floor, equipment and empty the collection pot of the vacuum cleaners for readiness of the next day usage.

4) Make sure all doors you have used are locked for seed and equipment security as you leave

5) Make sure all equipment is put away neatly and orderly as to not block any entrances and exits.

6) Cords must be put away in a manner to not cause tripping hazards in the event of a fire or need to exit quickly.

7) Allow enough time to complete all above tasks but for sure start above tasks at 4pm to allow at least half an hour cleanup.

8) Make sure all lights are turned off and if your the last one around and others have left lights on for your safe exit then please turn all lights off in all areas.


Daily inspections will be done regularly throughout the week and further action will be done if unsatisfactory conditions continue!


Avoid the Hassle and please everyone leave this facility and it’s equipment clean and secure and ready to use for the next user even if you are next user.


Unclean stationary harvester left uncleared.


Fire hazard 


Shields not removed and buildup of grain and chaff that should be cleaned up.


Grain and weed seeds not removed or vacuumed.

Not left in a clean and state of readiness for next user.


Garbage and debris just left to find it own way or rather someone else to clean up. Ugh…😟


Burlap bags unfolded and stacked neatly and falling into the walkway keep clear area! Fire Warden could shut the facility down and demand rectification before reopening the facility. Just saying it doesn’t take much to lose privileges!!!


I cleaned cart after usage putting frowns on the next users face not to mention waste of the new users valuable time to rectify this. Little extras in time can be just frustrating. Please end others frustration! Clean up…


Mouse attraction material and feed. ZERO TOLERANCE get it swept up. PERIOD.





Garbage Bins within the building need to be empty at the east of point shop garbage bins and returned.





Fire Warden would shut us down and force cleanup and tidying before allowing re-entrance. Can you afford the hassle of being locked out of your area for research waiting on reinspections after you tidy and organize a safe environment and prove yourself to get re-entrance.



Again make sure you lock all doors before leaving.


An unlocked door can lead to theft, vandalism or worse yet stolen seed packages and the possibility of losing your research time and energy and a great gap in your endeavours to genetics positive enhancement! That would be devastating…


I am not picking on anyone specifically and these are just examples of what is being expected and it is all up to us to get this place and equipment back in shape so a shutdown doesn’t happen.


Please act now and do not put this off.

Mel Kaufman