From: Allison Paulusma <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 3:39 PM
To: Bev Godard <>; Alina Skorobohatova <>; Amanda Smorhay <>; Ekta Badesha <>
Subject: FYI - Strange Fellow in Animal Science


FYI, Charlene from Animal Science sent this on TEAMS chat:



Security alert:  we had a young man wandering our halls acting suspiciously - he is about 5'4", yellow shirt with no jacket or backpack. He was going up and down our halls, trying doors and wandered into our staff kitchen, took pictures of our computer room. We were unable to catch up with him and are calling security but just a heads up in case he wanders your way.



Financial and HR Administrator
Department of Plant Science

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
222 Agriculture Building

Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2


(Ph: 204 474 8226