Here are the main events for Dr. Ian Baldwin’s visit.  A detailed schedule is attached, as well as the advertisement sent out earlier from the Associate Dean Research.  I encourage you to attend his Tuesday afternoon lecture and any other events that interest you.


  1. Coffee with Faculty, Post-Docs, and Research Associates
    1. Monday at 10:30 am, 218 Agric
  2. Session on Early Career Development and Publication Strategies for Graduate Students, Post-Docs, Research Associates, and interested Technicians
    1. Monday at 2:00 pm, 218 Agric
  3. Bendelow Lecture - How Native Plants Manage Complicated Ecological Interactions
    1. Tuesday at 3:30 pm, 172 Agric
  4. Reflections on the Bendelow Lecture, Panel Discussion, Everyone Welcome
    1. Wednesday at 9:30 am, 218 Agric


Best regards,

Curt McCartney

On behalf of the Advanced Plant Science Seminar Committee

Special thanks to Dr. Yvonne Lawley for her ideas and contributions