Good morning,

I am pleased to announce we have completed the recruitment and selection of the Front Desk Office Assistant position in the general office.

Mrs. Alina Skorobohatova will start in Plant Science on Monday, March 6th.   Alina holds a Bachelor of Finance from the Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade and comes to us from Kyiv, Ukraine.

She has several years of customer service, financial,  administrative an executive experience at the BRSM-Nafta gas station network.  She has worked in progressively responsible positions from reception, to financial clerk, to executive assistant and as a project coordinator over the years.    She is a wife and mother of a young child,  and in her spare time is an active volunteer as an Event Officer organizing events and collecting provisions for children’s orphanages. 

Please join me in welcoming Alina to Plant Science. 


Financial and HR Administrator

Department of Plant Science

Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences
Room 222 Agriculture Bldg

66 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg, MB

R3T 2N2

