

We would like to resume the Monthly Newsletter for Department of Plant Science and we are preparing information for the April Newsletter.

Could you please send me the information that you think could be added to the Newsletter.


Please see below an approximate list of sections in the Newsletter:


  1. Welcome new people: list of new Graduated Students from September 1, 2023; technicians, Post Docs, RA and other from January 2024.
  2. Plant Science Events: Seminars, Students Defences, Reporting dates, social events, etc.
  3. Your ideas for a new section that you think would be interested in the Department.


Please send information until April 1st.


Thanks and regards,


Alina Skorobohatova


University of Manitoba

Department of Plant Science

Rm 222, Agriculture Building

66 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3T 2N2

phone 204.474.8221 | fax 204.474.7528

* e-mail alina.skorobohatova@umanitoba.ca