Alright today I actually some mildly important information for once.


First, we are planning on ordering Plant Science hoodies and T-shirts. If you are anywhere from talented to not horrendous in the artistic department, please submit a logo design. If yours is chosen you'll either get a 50% discount on your hoodie or we may actually not cheap out and give it to you for free.

If you are interested in ordering clothing please email me. And the sooner you submit your design the better.


Sometime we are going to have a Simpsons marathon. Location and time to be determined. We'll probably air between 5-7 episodes. If you have recommendations of episodes submit either the title of the episode or a vague description of the plot.

Also please email me if you are interested in coming.


And as always we are going to The Hub this Thursday at 4:30, meet in the Atrium. Or if we get recommendations we can go somewhere else.