Hi Ashley,

I will join in the seminar.



Harunur Rashid
Graduate Student (Ph.D)
Department of Plant Science
Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
222 Agriculture Building 
66 Dafoe Road ,Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2

From: plants-grads-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca <plants-grads-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca> on behalf of Ashley Ammeter <ammetera@myumanitoba.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 4:26:38 PM
To: plants-grads@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: [Plants-grads] Association Mapping Workshop

Hello Grad Students, 

Dr. Sanjaya Gyawali, from Dr. Fernando's lab has been kind enough to agree to lead an association mapping workshop, open to all plant science graduate students. This workshop will be taking place from on Friday, January 27th from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, and Saturday, January 28th, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. 

This is a free workshop, and lunch will be provided on Saturday.  If you wish to participate, please sign up by emailing me (ammetera@myumanitoba.ca) no later than Friday, January 20th

Please note the following information regarding the topics that participants should be familiar with, as well as information regarding required software that each participant must download prior to the workshop.  

Prior to the Friday session, participants should familiarize themselves the following topics:

-Molecular Markers, types of markers, and marker platforms
-Linkage, linkage equilibrium/disequilibrium, QTL mapping
-Population structure, association mapping

All students who participate will be informed of what software (such as TASSEL and Structure) must be installed on their computers.  

We look forward to seeing you there, 
