Hi all, 

I know most of you are busy in the field or with various thingsā€¦ But, when you have a minute please read the email I have forwarded from James (see below).  

This email applies to us as many of us were TAs or have helped with the undergrad labs - due to the next semester being online there has been a committee formed to discuss how labs/"TAing" should go about. If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns on how these labs could operate remotely please get in touch with James (decastr4@myumanitoba.ca) before next Wednesday.

Enjoy your long weekend!


Begin forwarded message:

From: James De Castro <decastr4@myumanitoba.ca>
Subject: May 14 Committee meeting
Date: May 14, 2020 at 12:43:18 PM CDT
To: Bethany Asmundson <asmundsb@myumanitoba.ca>

Hi all, 
With the recent decision to convert the upcoming Fall term to an entirely online/distance education format, an ad hoc committee has been formed to address and discuss issues pertaining to the changes that need to be done in undergraduate lab instruction, especially for courses that lean towards a more hands-on approach. For graduate students, this is a concern primarily for prospective teaching assistants and how this will affect the experience.
So for those that do have questions or concerns, or if you have suggestions to add, please direct all of them todecastr4@myumanitoba.ca before May 20 (next Wednesday). I know many of us have TA experience so any input is valuable and welcome in the upcoming discussion.
Thank you and stay safe,