Hi Sam.  
   I am interested in this workshop. Unfortunately I don’t have enough knowledge on R to help out as volunteers.
   Thanks for sharing the workshop information.



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On Feb 20, 2020, at 13:46, Sam Day <days@myumanitoba.ca> wrote:

Hi all,

Recently we were contacted by Victor Valdez, a PhD student in the Department of Soil Science, regarding a potential workshop involving R and general linear mixed modelling happening some time in May. I'll quote Victors message to give you an idea of the contents of the proposed workshop:

"I ... would be able to handle the R portion (session 1) of the workshop; where we’ll teach the basics of understanding and executing the syntax in R. The general linear mixed models portion (session 2) will be prospectively lead by Dr. David Schneider from Memorial University of Newfoundland; where he will teach students/academics a model based approach to statistical analyses. Session 3 will be done learn shortly after Dr. Schneiders bit and will incorporate executing and graphing the models in R."

If you are interested in attending this workshop, then please respond to this email indicating so, as Victor is looking for an approximate number of interested people from our department.

Also, if you are already proficient in R (can import/export data, make boxplots and line graphs, troubleshoot syntax errors, interpret the R stats output, etc.), Victor is looking for volunteers to help with the R portion of the workshop. If you are interested in volunteering, let me know in response to this email and I will forward your contact information to Victor.



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