From: Andrew Sinclair
Sent: March 26, 2021 4:11 PM
To: Lyle Morin <>; Rick Jansen <>; Chris Bohonis <>; Richard Bell <>; Cameron Neufeld <>; Stephen Walker <>; Jingwei Xie <>
Cc: Bev Henry <>; Bev Godard <>; Cathy Bay <>; Vanessa Jukes Strutt <>; Cory Fielding <>; Jenn Bouchard <>
Subject: Plant Science Window Replacement - Road Closures




We have a project starting up soon involving the replacement of the windows on the Plant Science building.  This project will involve the use of a boom lift for accessing the windows and will require periodic road closures on both the south bound lane of Service 3 St. S and the north half of the laneway between Plant Science and the Dairy Barn Art Studio.  When the road closures are in place fencing will be erected around the area of the work and signage will be placed on each end of the fencing identifying vehicles to yield to oncoming traffic.  For the duration of the construction there will also be an enclosed secured disposal bin place at the north end of the Plant Science building.  The bin will be placed up tight to the building so as not to disrupt the laneway access.  Please see the attached site plan for further details and dates of road closures.


Please let me know if you have any questions and/or comments concerning this project.


Thank you,


Andrew Sinclair  B.Ed., M.Arch

Project Manager | Architectural & Engineering Services

c 204.229.8809


