Hello everyone, 

Just a reminder about Paint Friday on the 25th. Please sign up in the lounge or email me before this Friday if you’re interested so that we can make sure that there are enough supplies for everyone. 

Keep warm and have a good day :D


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jia Sun <sunj3458@myumanitoba.ca>
Subject: Register now! Paint Friday on November 25th at Plant Science
Date: October 31, 2016 at 11:53:57 AM CDT
To: Bev Godard <Bev.Godard@umanitoba.ca>

Dear grad students,

We will be holding a Paint Friday for all grad students on Friday, November 25thThe painting we will be doing is the same with the one in this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSgBX3myz9I
The cost for attending this event is $5/person, which includes everything (paint, brushes, canvas, etc.). Snacks and pops will be provided too. You can take your masterpiece back home with you at the end of the event.  

Email me (sunj2458@myumanitoba.ca) to register or if you need more details about this event. I'll also leave a sign-up sheet in the grad lounge. The deadline for registration is November 18th and you can make the payment to me in person anytime before the event.

Hope the colours will cheer you up from the cold weather! 

Jia Sun

PhD Student
PSGSA Vice-President 2016-2017
Department of Plant Science
222 Agriculture Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2