Hi all, 

Thinking of everyone during this chaotic time. I will keep providing updates regarding us, the grad students, as I get information.

In the meantime, if you have a second please see the email below sent by James (PSGSA Safety Rep) regarding a special Council Meeting tomorrow. If you have any questions, or concerns in regards to information provided by the university relating to their priorities and decisions during COVID-19 please email James (decastr4@myumanitoba.ca). All information can be found on the University of Manitoba home page (http://umanitoba.ca/).

Stay home! and Safe! 


Begin forwarded message:

From: James De Castro <decastr4@myumanitoba.ca>
Subject: Council Meeting
Date: March 23, 2020 at 8:53:18 AM CDT
To: Bethany Asmundson <asmundsb@myumanitoba.ca>

Good morning all, 

I hope everyone's still sane. Tomorrow, there is a council meeting (conference call) that I will be part of and I wanted to ask if anyone had any concerns or issues they wanted to bring up about the following:

"peoples' perspectives on providing exams, assessments to our students, and summer research"

The meeting won't be until 2:30 tomorrow but please send in your replies at 1pm the latest if you can. 

Thanks and good luck with everything.