From: Pawanpuneet Rehal
Sent: November 16, 2021 10:22 AM
To: Bev Godard <>
Cc: Plant Science Orders <>
Subject: Biobar
Importance: High


Hi Bev,


This is a very serious issue. Could you please circulate this email to everybody. I found the -20 Biobar freezer unplugged this morning. Everything inside has been completely gone costing thousands dollars. I have no idea who did this but this is a serious issue. 4 degree bio bar  fridge is working but I don’t know who unplugged -20 freezer. I only get notification about the connectivity on my email (means the computer tab is connected with the freezer) but it will not signify that the freezer has been unplugged. .Please let everybody know everything is gone and do not order anything from -20 freezer bio bar. Attached are the picture I clicked this morning.


Thank you

Pawanpuneet Rehal

Research Technician

Department of Plant Science

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg R3T 2N2

Work Phone: 204-474-6409