Hello Plant Science Students, 

We are very excited to announce that in the New Year we will be having a workshop with Dr. Curt McCartney, who has recently joined our department as an associate professor!

The workshop will be about "Genotyping and genetic mapping in crop plants to select informative markers for QTL analysis". It will be a half day workshop and will start with the basic ideas of genotyping and genetic mapping. Dr. McCartney will also be answering your questions - they can be related to your project, advice for interpreting genotypic data, or anything related to the topic. The information from this workshop will be useful for your future career hopefully. 

Furthermore, you will get hands-on experience with genotyping and genetic mapping software e.g. GenomeStudio, MapDisto. Don't hesitate to ask questions!

Please send questions/comments about the topic by Wednesday, December 16 to litommua@myumanitoba.ca.

Your PSGSA Team