-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fridge replacement
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:37:13 -0500
From: umbagava@cc.umanitoba.ca
To: godardbd@cc.umanitoba.ca


Hi all,

The fridge in the graduate lounge is not working properly and that we need to replace it sooner than later. We are investigating the possibilities of getting a used/new one. Please let me know if you know any place where we can get  good used ones.

Also, if you have anything sitting in the fridge for long time, please check if it is still good and remove if needed.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Bev Godard
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
66 Dafoe Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8563
Fax:     (204) 474-7528