Hi everyone! Mark your calendars!

Spring Potluck - Friday, May 17th @12:00, Room 218
- If you're coming, please sign up for a dish in the grad lounge. Clarify if you will be bringing an appetizer, main, or a dessert.
- Weather permitting, the BBQ will be available, but please mark "BBQ" beside your name so we know who will require it.

Activate - Wednesday, June 12th 7:00 PM
-90 minutes of fun gaming challenges! https://activategames.ca/
-Sign up in the grad lounge before June 5th - LIMITED TO 10 PEOPLE
-REDUCED COST - $10! The total cost would usually be $25 but PSGSA is graciously covering $15, so if you sign up I will be collecting the remaining $10 from you ahead of time.

Hermetic Tour - June Date TBD
More information to come once the weather warms up!
Website: https://heartlandtravel.ca/book-a-tour/hermetic-code-tours-of-mb-legislative-building/

Have a great day!!


Leanne Koroscil

M.Sc. Student, Department of Plant Science 
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba