Further to my message of yesterday, please send a Nil reply even if you were not affected by the failure of the growth chambers.




From: Bev Godard
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2019 10:52 AM
To: 'plants-grads@lists.umanitoba.ca' <plants-grads@lists.umanitoba.ca>
Cc: Claudio Stasolla <Claudio.Stasolla@umanitoba.ca>
Subject: A very short questionnaire regarding failure of growth chambers
Importance: High


Good morning to all,

On behalf of Dr. Claudio Stasolla, I am collecting information on how failure of growth chambers has delayed your research.

Please answer the following questions (in red) and return to me.

Your responses by October 28th would be much appreciated.




1.)   How many times have you been affected by failure of growth chambers?


2.)  What was the duration of the/each delay?


3.)  What were the repercussions (if any)?





Bev Godard

Secretary to the Department Head

Department of Plant Science

University of Manitoba

222 Agriculture Building

Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2

