In case anyone is interested, please see below.


Bev Godard

Secretary to the Department Head

Department of Plant Science

222 Agriculture Building

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2

PH:  204-474-8563

FAX: 204-474-7528


From: Tamara-Jo Thomson
Sent: June-07-17 3:22 PM
To: Bev Godard
Cc: Leanne Shewchuk
Subject: student employment opportunity


Hello Bev,


Thank you for offering to contact your students to let them know about the opportunity to work with a Consultant on our biodiversity baseline study.


The Office of Sustainability (OOS) is initiating a biodiversity baseline study and assessment of the river bottom forest with a focus on the vegetation and habitat of the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry Campus Point Lands, Southwood Lands, Glenlea Research Station and Ian N. Morrison Research Farm (Assessment Areas).


A Request for Quotations (RFQ) has been sent out to Consulting firms.  Within the RFQ, the Office of Sustainability has required that the Consultant include accommodation for student participation.  


The study will include a desktop analysis as well as field investigations. The desktop analysis will include a literature review and desktop analysis of the Assessment Areas using available aerial imagery. This information will be used to develop the field investigation which shall:

·         Describe the soil type.

·         Assess biodiversity, habitat and long-term health.

·         Describe vegetation types and their composition and condition.

·         Describe the age class of trees.

·         Describe the understory health.

·         Verify the presence/absence of protected plant species (such as those traditionally used for medicine, subsistence and cultural purposes, and other vegetation information) and invasive species.

·         Make recommendations on native conservation areas and new planting species.

·         Describe evidence of wildlife species and wildlife species seen.

·         Describe the habitat that supports vegetative and wildlife communities identified.

·         Verify the presence/absence of protected wildlife species and species of interest (such as those traditionally used for subsistence and cultural purposes).

·         Make recommendations on conserving existing vegetation in areas where it has been eroded or removed.

·         Describe the types of native vegetation that should be used for naturalized areas.

·         Provide GIS Mapping of collected data.


The timeline for the Study is:

-          July 4, 2017 – kickoff

-          September 15, 2017- field investigations complete

-          December 15, 2017 – final reports

*These dates may not reflect the actual employment period of the student. 


We would like to receive resumes from interested students by Tuesday, June 13.  Please forward them to myself at


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.   


Thanks and have a great day,




Tamara Thomson | MSc

Project Coordinator | Office of Sustainability | University of Manitoba

501 Fitzgerald Bldg | Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2 | 204-318-2918  InstaStars_Seal_Silver_email_size

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