The Canadian National Committee for CODATA (CNC/CODATA) is accepting applications for The Sangster Award.  This award, valued at Can. $3,000, will enable a graduate student enrolled in a Canadian University, or a graduate who has completed his or her graduate degree within 3 years of the application deadline, to attend and present their work at the 21st International CODATA Conference, Scientific Information for Society - from Today to the Future, 5-8 October 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine.
It is expected that the award winner's field of study will support the general objectives of CODATA, namely, to help foster and advance science and technology through developing and sharing knowledge about data and data-related activities.

Deadline for Applications:  March 31, 2008

For application guidelines and award details:

For conference details:

Bev Godard
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
66 Dafoe Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8563
Fax:     (204) 474-7528