I am sending the following on behalf of  Crystal Jorgenson. 



The Department is working to transition to the new University of Manitoba website and we need your help! Please look into your photo files or your phone camera roll and forward your favorite images or videos, whether they are in the field, lab or classroom. Or pull out your phone and shoot some today!




·        Send us your full-size original photo – we will do any resizing and cropping at our end. They can be in jpg, jpeg, gif or png format.

·        Please identify any people in the photo (along with contact info if you have it), as we will need to get photo releases from them.

·        Don’t limit yourself! Microscope images, plant close-ups and drone aerials are welcome too.

·        A short caption describing the activity in the photo may also be useful but not required.

·        We will not be able to put photo credits in most cases so please send us images that we may use as unattributed.


Please send them to Crystal Jorgenson Crystal.Jorgenson@umanitoba.ca by Friday, March 19. You can send by reply email or via a Dropbox link.


Bev Godard

Secretary to the Department Head

Department of Plant Science

University of Manitoba

